Any claims that Protestants or other non-Catholic Christians make in regards in claiming to be the one true Church founded by Christ is completely false, based on historical facts.
If you are a Lutheran, your religion was founded by Martin Luther, an ex- monk of the Catholic Church, in the year 1517. He then broke his vow of celibacy and married a nun, then removed 7 books from the bible.
If you are an adventist, your cult was founded by Mrs. Ellen White on 1865 in Michigan USA, after William Miller failed to predict Christ second coming on 1843 and 1844. SDA then started from a false prophesy.
If you belong to the Church of England, your religion was founded by King Henry VIII in the year 1534 because the Pope would not grant him a divorce with the right to remarry.
If you are a Presbyterian, your religion was founded by John Knox in Scotland in the year 1560.
If you are a Protestant Episcopalian, your religion was an offshoot of the Church of England founded by Samuel Seabury in the American colonies in the 17th century.
If you are a Congregationalist, your religion was originated by Robert Brown in Holland in 1582.
If you are a Methodist, your religion was launched by John and Charles Wesley in England in 1744.
If you are a Unitarian, Theophilus Lindley founded your church in London in 1774.
If you are a Mormon (Latter Day Saints), Joseph Smith started your religion in Palmyra, N.Y., in 1829.
If you are a Baptist, you owe the tenets of your religion to John Smyth, who launched it in Amsterdam in 1605.
If you are of the Dutch Reformed church, you recognize Michaelis Jones as founder, because he originated your religion in New York in 1628.
If you worship with the Salvation Army, your sect began with William Booth in London in 1865.
If you are a Christian Scientist, you look to 1879 as the year in which your religion was born and to Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy as its founder.
If you belong to one of the religious organizations known as ‘Church of the Nazarene,” “Pentecostal Gospel.” “Holiness Church,” “Pilgrim Holiness Church,” “Jehovah’s Witnesses,” your religion is one of the hundreds of new sects founded by men within the past century.
If your churches where just founded in the Philippines such as Iglesia, MCGI, Jesus Is Lord, 4th Watch, etc., they were founded in the 20th century by filipino humans like Manalo, Soriano, Villanueva, etc.
If you are born-again christian, your movement was started by Methodist Pastor Charles Parham on 1900s in Kansas USA.
If you are Catholic, you know that your religion was founded in the year 33 by Jesus Christ the Son of God, and it is still the same Church.
All Protestant “churches” have a founder who is not Jesus Christ – mere humans. There is no escaping this fact. To claim that your church is the original Church of Christ is dishonest and quite frankly, a lie. As former Protestant John Henry Newman said,
“To be deep in history is to cease to be a Protestant.”


1. The New Book of Knowledge, Page 287
“Roman Catholic Church –the history of the Roman Catholic Church begun in an upper room in Jerusalem almost 2,000 years ago. About 120 persons were gathered there. They were followers of Jesus Christ, and they were awaiting the coming of Holy Spirit he had promised to send them from heaven. The day on which the Holy Spirit came down is considered the birthday of the Church. The Church may be described as the society that Jesus founded, which is vitalized by the Spirit of God and organized to a structure which he establish. The history of Roman Catholic Church traces the destinies of that society from its beginning until now.”
2. The World Almanac and Book of Facts Page 688
“Roman Catholics –traditionally founded by Jesus who named St. Peter the 1stvicar, developed in early Christian proselytizing, especially after the conversion of imperial Rome in the 4thcentury.”
3. The Old World and America, Page 100
“More than 1900 years ago, Jesus Christ Son of God, came upon earth to save mankind. After His atoning death on the cross He rose glorious and immortal. Before leaving this world to go to the Father, Our Lord founded the Catholic Church and gave to that Church the command to teach all nations.”
4. The New Webster’s Dictionary of English Language Page 155.
” Catholic – of the original Christian Church before the schism between East and West – of the Roman or Western Church after this schism and before the reformation.”
5. International Encyclopedia, Volume 20, Page 520 “Roman Catholic Church – There are two equally valid definition of the Catholic Church, comparable to the twofold nature of Jesus Christ, its founder, who was both human and divine.”
6. Young Students Encyclopedia, Volume 17, Page 261
“Roman Catholicism – the largest of the Christian denomination is the Roman Catholic Church. As an institution it has existed since the 1stcentury AD. For the first 1,000 years all christians belongs to Catholic Church”
7. Compton’s Encyclopedia & Fact-Index, Volume 20, Page 2024
“Roman Catholic Church – For the first thousand years after the death of Jesus Christ, all Christians were members of one religion – Christianity. There were no separate sects, or branches, of Christianity as there are today. The word “catholic” means “universal,” and for those first thousand years, all Christians were members of the Catholic Church.”
8. Grollier Encyclopedia, Volume V, page 106
“Catholic Church – (Gr. Katholikos, universal, general). Term generally applied to the Divine society founded by Jesus Christ, and endowed by the outpouring of the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost”


  1. If it is Roman Catholic, why the disobedience to the 2nd Commandment of God? Exo 20:4  Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Exo 20:5  Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; Exo 20:6  And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. The rosary, too, is not an original christian tradition, this is against what the Lord said in the New Testament as \”repeated prayer\”.


  2. The Rosary is not a prayer of words, but of meditation. When a Catholic completes praying an entire rosary of 20 mysteries, he or she has meditated upon the entire gospel; the incarnation, birth, life, suffering, death, resurrection, and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. No method of prayer is more beneficial than this. Most Catholics will pray five mysteries per day, and when saying the words, he or she must meditate upon one mystery at a time; for the duration of 10 Hail Marys, before going on to the next \”mystery,\” or meditation. The memorized words are the vehicle by which Catholics are able to keep their minds on the gospel stories.


  3. \”Thou shalt not make to thyself a graven thing, nor the likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, nor of those things that are in the waters under the earth: thou shalt not adore them nor serve them\”The Above Words Do Not Forbid All Images – They Forbid Idols and Representations of the DeityThe Scriptures inform us that God Himself commanded to be made images of Cherubim, and also the brazen serpent. The interpretation, therefore, at which we must arrive, is that images are prohibited only inasmuch as they are used as deities to receive adoration, and so to injure the true worship of God.As far as this Commandment is concerned, it is clear that there are two chief ways in which God's majesty can be seriously outraged. The first way is by worshipping idols and images as God, or believing that they possess any divinity or virtue entitling them to our worship, by praying to, or reposing confidence in them, as the Gentiles did, who placed their hopes in idols, and whose idolatry the Scriptures frequently condemn. The other way is by attempting to form a representation of the Deity, as if He were visible to mortal eyes, or could be reproduced by colours or figures.They Do Not Forbid Representations of the Divine Persons and AngelsTo represent the Persons of the Holy Trinity by certain forms under which they appeared in the Old and New Testaments no one should deem contrary to religion or the law of God. For who can be so ignorant as to believe that such forms are representations of the Deity?Their forms, which only express some attribute or action ascribed to God. Thus when from the description ofDaniel God is painted as the Ancient of days, seated on a throne, with the books openedbefore hint, the eternity of God is represented and also the infinite wisdom, by which He sees and judges all the thoughts and actions of men. Angels, also, are represented under human form and with wings to give us to understand that they are actuated by benevolent feelings towards mankind, and are always prepared to execute the Lord's commands; for they are all ministering spirits, sent to minister for them who shall receive the inheritance of salvation.What attributes of the Holy Ghost are represented under the forms of a dove, and of tongues of fire, in the Gospel and in the Acts of the Apostles, is a matter too well known to require lengthy explanation.


  4. Thank you. However, your answers are not convincing. I have witnessed so-called christians under the guise of Roman Catholic, blatantly worship graven images, and all parts of the Holy Bible described them as idolatry and abomination to God. Cherubim and serpents are not to be compared into the 2nd Commandment of God. 2nd Commandment of God is self-explanatory, around the world and from Old Testament to New Testament, God repeatedly showed details of explanation no matter what the images are for, there were evidences of worshipping them as idols. Much like your rosary, they were invented by so-called priests, not cite in any parts of the Holy Bible as legitimate christian tradition. Anyway, thanks for time, I am now convinced how your religious denomination, the Catholic dogma/doctrine, straightfowardly continually violate the 2nd Commandment of God which you continuously defend through your earthly ingenuity and talent just to give good excuse of your abomination. God forgive you all.


  5. Catholics do not worship graven images, to assume so would be ignorant. We believe, as stated in the bible, that prayers of a righteous person is the most appealing to God.Who among us can be more righteous than the saints who gave their lives doing God's work? We pray to them asking for their intercessions on our behalf and we honor them for the sacrifices they made in order to bring others closer to God and we show reverence to them through icons that represent them. This is not worship, it is the same type of reverence that you would show when your national anthem is sung or the respect you give as your country's flag is being hoisted.


  6. Yes, my answers are not convincing to you because you did not take them in with an open mind & heart, and with the intent to genuinely understand how Catholics interpret and practice their faith. You already made up your mind on what you thought you knew about Catholics. Let me just inform you that all these accusations leveled at the Catholic Church are all rehashed from the 13th century (lookup Christian history!) which we have addressed and put to rest with councils and creeds. We have endured 2000+ years amid all these and heavy persecution. I am sorry that my response wasn't enough to convince you, but he grace of conversion (and an open mind!) is not mine to give but God's, and I pray he gives it to you


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