Tag Archives: Archbishop Francesco Panfilo sdb

Catholic Archdiocese of Rabaul Clergy Postings for 2021

Pomio Deanery Parishes and Priest Assignment for 2021.

Kokopo Deanery Assignments for 2021.

Rabaul Deanery Parishes and Priest Assignments for 2021.

Vicar General, Pastoral Vicar, Retired Priests and Priests away for studies.

Catholic Institution Chaplaincies and Rectors 2021.

From the Voice of Blessed Peter To Rot, Formation and Communications Office of the Catholic Archdiocese of Rabaul

You Entrust Everything to Our Blessed Mother

The Holy Rosary in the Life and Ministry of Archbishop Francesco Panfilo SDB, Emeritus Archbishop of Rabaul.

The Pomio Catholic Community with an exclusive interview with His Excellency Most Reverend Francesco Panfilo SDB, Emeritus Archbishop of Rabaul as he reflects on the Holy Rosary in his life and ministry as Priest, Educator and Bishop.