All posts by Kumangatulu Ae Nutu


Genesis 2:7–9; 3:1–7
Psalm 51:3–6; 12–14, 17
Romans 5:12–19
Matthew 4:1–11


“God i laik olgeta manmeri bai ol inap long kisim laip bilong em” (KKM 1). Taim bilong Len, em i gutpela taim bilong glasim na skelim olsem yumi gat dispela laip bilong God o nogat. Em i taim bilong painimaut: yumi stap klostu long God o yumi lusim em pinis bikos long sin. “Jisas i bin kam long givim yumi laip tru bilong em. Wanem samting i helpim long strongim dispela laip long yumi, em i gutpela, na wanem samting i save bagarapim na tekewe dispela laip, em i nogut” (KKM 773).

God i mekim yumi kamap olsem piksa bilong em yet. Wanpela bikpela mak bilong dispela piksa bilong God long laip bilong yumi em i pasin bilong stap fri. God yet i givim dispela strong na save long stap fri, bai “yumi ken skelim wanem samting i gutpela na wanem samting i nogut. Dispela pasin bilong skelim i stap long bel bilong yumi olgeta na yumi stap fri long bihainim ol gutpela samting na lusim ol samting nogut” (KKM 774).

“Laip bilong olgeta manmeri em i ples bilong pait namel long ol gutpela samting na ol samting nogut, na namel long lait na tudak” (KKM 773). Dispela kain pait insait long laip bilong yumi, yumi ken kolim pait bilong traim. Long namba wan rit Satan i traim laip na fridom bilong Adam na Eva. Long Gutnius tude Satan i traim Jisas. Satan i no wanbel long plen bilong God. Olsem na em i traim ol manmeri bai ol i lusim God na mekim sin. Satan i save, bilong winim ol manmeri long mekim sin, em i mas winim pastaim fridom na laik bilong ol. Em traim ol manmeri bai long laik na fri disisen bilong ol yet, ol i tok “yes” long bihainim em na mekim sin. Em i no Satan i holim gan na kilim narapela. Em i no Satan i stilim mani. Nogat. Em i han bilong man. Em i no Satan i pulap long gridi pasin na korapsen. Nogat. Em i bel bilong man. Satan i traim tasol laik na fridom bilong yumi long mekim olsem.

Yumi olgeta i pilim pinis long bel bilong yumi dispela traim bilong Satan. Tasol traim yet, em i no mak olsem Satan i winim yumi pinis. Nogat. Satan i win tru, sapos long laik na fridom bilong yumi, yumi tok “yesa” long traim bilong em. Satan i no wari long yu husat. Em i traim Jisas tu! Tasol Jisas i soim yumi hau em i bin winim dispela traim. Long taim bilong traim, Jisas i bin holim strong Tok Tru bilong God. Tok Tru bilong God i helpim yumi long winim olgeta traim bilong Satan.

Nambawan traim: Bihainim laik

Jisas i hangre; em i laik kaikai. Satan i tokim Jisas bai i wokim mirakel na bai i pinisim laik. Jisas i tokim Satan: “Tok bilong God i inap long givim laip, kaikai i nogat”.

Bel bilong yumi i laikim ol samting bilong graun. Bel i save mangal oltaim. Bel i no tok: “Inap nau; givim long narapela”. Bel bilong yumi i selfis, i no laik serim ol samting wantaim narapela. Na sapos Tok bilong God i no bosim bel, bai laik bilong bel i bosim laip bilong yumi. Bai sampela man long ples I gat planti samting na sampela bai I rabis. Bai I gat lo na orda problem.

Sampela manmeri long gavaman na long ples i ting kaikai na ol samting bilong graun em i inap long givim laip long yumi. Olsem na ol i wok hat bai ol ‘goods and services’ i kamap long ples. Tasol i nogat. Sapos Tok bilong God i no bosim laik bilong yumi bai ol ‘goods and services’ i no helpim gutpela sindaun. Bai mangal tasol i bikpela na bai pasin jeles i bagarapim sindaun long ples.

Nambatu traim: Kisim biknem
Satan i laik bai Jisas i apim nem bilong em. Bai i tokim ol manmeri ol i stap long hap bilong tempel. “Yupela i lukim mi; bai mi kalap i go daun na bai mi no bagarap”. Tasol Jisas i no kam bilong apim nem bilong em yet; em i kam bilong mekim nem bilong Papa bilog em i bikpela.

Sampela manmeri i pundaun long dispela traim bilong Satan; ol i wok long apim nem bilong ol. Ol i gat wanem nupela samting na ol i ting bai nem bilong ol i bikpela nau long ples. Na tru tumas, long ples ol samting bilong graun i inap long givim biknem long man. tasol, dispela i no tru. Samting bilong heven tasol i inap long givim biknem long yumi. God i givim dispela biknem long yumi long taim bilong baptais. Yumi pikinini bilong God. Na sapos yumi reflek long mining bilong dispela nem bai yumi luksave olsem nem bilong God i mas kamap bikpela long laip bilong yumi na nem bilong yumi i mas go daun.

Nambatri traim: Kisim pawa

Dispela traim i bikpela tru na i painim ol manmeri ol i gat wok long lukautim narapela. Papa, mama, pris, tisa, sista, kateket, kaunsel, etc. ol i inap long pundaun long dispela traim. Bai ol i strik tru oltaim na bai ol i kros kwik sapos narapela i no harim tok bilog ol. Bai ol i no inap long wok gut wantaim narapela. Na sapos narapela i mekim kainkain kranki toktok long ol bai ol i kros nogut o bai ol i risain.

Dispela pasin i kamap olsem: bipo, taim ol i liklik pikinini, papamama i strik tumas long ol; ol i no tok tenkyu long ol na ol i kritisaisim ol oltaim. Rong bilong papamama bipo, i givim hevi long ol nau. Tasol, sapos ol i luksave long dispela na ol i pogivim papamama, bai pasin bilong ol i ken senis.

Yumi ken daunim strong bilong Satan na traim bilong em, long taim yumi mekim wok penans na wok marimari, long pasin bilong pre, na moa yet long taim yumi tanim bel na go long kompesio na kamap wanbel wantaim God na wantaim ol bratasusa. Astingting bilong Lenten message bilong Pop Francis long dispela yia i olsem: “Mipela i save autim tok bilong Krais yet long olgeta man, na mipela i tolim ol olsem, ‘Moabeta yupela lusim pasin birua na kamap wanbel wantaim God” (2Kor 5:20).

Dia ol brata na sista, dispela taim bilong Len em i gutpela taim bilong yumi olgeta long tanim bel na kamap wanbel wantaim God na wantaim ol bratasusa. Em i taim bilong putim yau long Tok bilong God na mekim ol wok bilong marimari. Sapos yumi putim yau gut bai yumi redi long selebretim Jisas i win long sin na indai, taim em i kirap, na em i laik redim Sios long em bai i kam bek. Yumi no ken westim taim bilong Len, em i gutpela taim bilong tanim bel.

Yumi askim dispela long pre bilong Santu Maria. Em i bin ekspiriensim bikpela marimari bilong God, na em yet i tokaut long daunpasin bilong em (Luk 1:48) na kolim em yet wokmeri bilong God (Luk1:38). Long dispela misa yumi pre bai God, Papa bilong yumi, i sambai long mipela long taim bilong traim.


Thursday 16th January 2020
The Roman Catholic Church of Rabaul would like to inform the general public of the decision of His Honour Kokopo National Court of December 2019, in the case of Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Rabaul v Benjamin Samson and others. (OS No 269 of 2018).

The purpose of this statement is to refute the false statement shared on social media that “the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Rabaul has no interest in Putput Freehold Lands”. It is important to note that the decision of the Court was only in relation to Portion 808 and not the other four portions which are known collectively as the Putput Freehold Lands. The other portions are:

Portion 580 Marambu Plantation Area: 102.83 hectares

Portion 807 PutPut Plantation Area: 154.11 hectares

Portion 806 Warangoi Plantation: 128.08 hectares

Portion 435: 16,486 hectares.

The total area is around 17,000 hectares. The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Rabaul lawfully acquired this land, evidenced by a Deed of Transfer in 1966. The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Rabaul accepts the court decision of December 2019 as it must. Further noting the comments of the Court the Archdiocese is considering its legal options going forward from this decision. The Archdiocese is committed to working on doing what is necessary to ensure certainty of titles to the Putput Freehold Land. This is necessary to ensure fair distribution of the land to the different customary groups who have established customary connections with the land. This will be done free of charge. It is important that the land is distributed in a manner which promotes peace, unity and harmony and not division.

We would like to express our disappointment that we have encountered so many obstacles in attempting to carry out this work. However we remains committed to doing so as it is important that all issues relating to PutPut Freehold land, especially that of appropriate distribution, are addressed once and for all.

Negotiation can only proceed once issues relating to titles are settled.

+Francesco Panfilo, SDB,

Archbishop of Rabaul

Latin Rosary Prayers with English and Tok Pisin Translations

With a Joyful Heart, we present six infographics of the rosary prayers in Latin with line by line English and Tok Pisin translations to help you learn how to recite the Rosary in Latin, the Official Language of the Catholic Church.




1. The Boston Catholic Journal

2. Yumi Lotu Buk
Liturgical Catechetal Institute Goroka, 1990.

Special thanks to Jennie Germale for doing a Proof.


by Fr Patrick McHugh

The weekly allocutions of the popes are formal dignified discourses that are read from carefully prepared scripts, but at least on one occasion Pope Paul VI gave a cry from the heart. On November 15, 1972 he said: “. . . the smoke of Satan has entered the Church. . . .”

That, coming as it did from a Pope on such an occasion, was a strange and terrible statement indeed. The Word of God speaks clearly and explicitly on devils. There is no need to go on quoting texts – there are so many of them. The Gospels not only present Jesus speaking of devils but speaking directly to them:
“What is your name”?
“Our name is Legion, there are many of us here”.
“Get out of him!”.

Jesus called Satan ruler of this world, a mysterious phrase that seems to imply real power over us and our world. He said that He came, as He put it, “to cast out Satan”. When He entered into His Passion, He indicated that powers of darkness were at work in what was about to happen. All of this is clear from the Gospels, but what remains mysterious — what we need to think about — is how and in what way demons enter into our minds and wills, how devils make us devilish in our attitude to God and His creation.

Devils are at war against the structure of creation, they enter into humans to manipulate them to destroy the family. It is not that the devils scream against God in blasphemy — that and nothing else besides — they are consumed with hatred for all that is decent, wholesome and humane. The question arises: how and in what way does all of this become manifest? The answer — and it is a terrible one — lies in the five D’s of the Demonic: to deceive . . . to degrade . . . to divide . . . to defile . . . to destroy. Whenever these five signs appear as part of an onslaught, something unspeakably evil and malign is present and active.


Truth is ripped apart with such cunning that words mean their opposite — murder becomes freedom to choose, slavery becomes peace ; language is turned inside out. Barabbas is lionized and cheered, Jesus is branded as “disturbing the people” and led away to be crucified. Jesus said of Satan that . . . the truth is not in him. The first thrust of the devil is against reality within human minds, against Truth.

It is not that people believe nothing — they believe anything. Where there had beenorder and good sense now there is the wild torrent of raw emotions that hurls humans to the Unreal. The problem of evil can never be discussed in an academic vacuum. Evil is terribly personal. The disorder we experience is a reflection in space and time of a disorder that began before our world came into being. The conflict that broke out in the heavens before the world was made, that was led on one side by Michael and on the other by Lucifer is still carried on in space and time. This does not mean that men are mere puppets manipulated by demons or that we should think in mere dualistic terms as if Good and Evil were somehow equal and that the outcome of this war is in doubt. God allows evil, the malice of the devils fits into His eternal plan. Even so, the reality of angelic ill-will remains and we cannot hope to begin to come to any understanding of Evil if we leave aside the mysterious personal dimension therein. To quote Shakespeare, . . . “hell breathes forth contagion on the world”. The abominations in our world are only partly man-made. Human malice is not the full explanation. Spirits of a realm of Disorder and Evil and Hate are loose upon the earth. An imaginary observer from outer space looking down in us would see the titanic War of the Spirits — the primal conflict between Michael and Lucifer — carried on in a world of space and time.

In the Second Vatican Council, the Church reminds us: “Since we know not the day nor the hour, on our Lord s advice we must constantly stand guard”. This when we have finished the one and only course of our earthly life we may merit to enter into the marriage feast with Him and to be numbered among the blessed. Thus we may not be commanded to go into eternal fire like the wicked and slothful servant, into the exterior darkness where there will be a weeping and a gnashing of teeth. For before we reign with the glorious Christ, all of us will be made manifest before the tribunal of Christ, so that each one may receive what he has won through the body, according to his works, whether good or evil. At the end of the world, they who have done good shall come forth unto resurrection of life; but who have done evil unto resurrection of judgement.


The demonic lie is like a missile aimed at someone or some community that enshrines the Humane, the Beautiful, the Holy, the Good. In his Newsletter, Pastor Wurmbrand described how degradation was the chief weapon the Communists used to dehumanize their victims and the ways they would go about doing that were diabolical — there was a cunning and a hatred out of this world working through all they did.

Degradation can also be psychological, so that the victim loses all sense of personal worth and, as that fades, the will to live shrivels up. The effect on others is to render a person vile and beneath contempt, so that in their eyes, and ultimately in the eyes of the victim, that person has no worth or presence. The assault is against the humanity of the other as devils have a special hatred for anything and everything that is humane.

As He approached the Gerasene boundary, He encountered two men coming out of the tombs. They were possessed by demons and were so savage that no one could travel along that road. With a sudden shriek they cried: “Why meddle with us, Son of God? Have you come to torture us before the appointed time?” (Matthew 8:28-29).

Savage is the word the Holy Spirit inspired to describe the demonic onslaught against Man and all that is humane. The Gospel of Mark describes the dehumanization of the men who were possessed.

“They came to Gerasene territory on the other side of the lake. As He got out of the boat, He was immediately met by a man from the tombs who had an unclean spirit. The man had taken refuge among the tombs; he could no longer be restrained even with a chain. In fact, he had frequently been secured with handcuffs and chains, but had pulled the chains apart and smashed the fetters. No one had proved strong enough to tame him. Uninterruptedly night and day, amid the tombs and on the hillsides, he screamed and gashed himself with stones.” (Mark 5:1-5).


Heaven is the community of all who love God, and our destiny. That is why community on earth — any community that truly deserves that name (not an organization merely, or a group or, still less, a mob) is always an earthly preview of what awaits us in the world to come. Community is, therefore, a prime target of demons.

This, too, is the thrust behind dissent within the Church (no matter what glorious and even sublime rhetoric), this tearing apart of the Church is couched in. The onslaught against community and, most of all, against the primal community of the family is one of the ways that powers of darkness carry on their endless war against God and His Creation.

Father Rutler, a well-known preacher and defender of the Faith (he had been a devout Anglican) put this well:

“Satan knows however that he can inch society away from heavenly strength by three assaults.

First, he attacks the Blessed Sacrament. The consecrated Host is the most vivid presence of God we have on earth. Old Scratch cannot stand it. For as malign voices shrieked whenever Jesus got close during His earthly ministry, so it is not uncommon to find disturbed and even criminal personalities drawn by a dread fascination whenever the Blessed Sacrament is exposed. Satan tried to annihilate Christ and his obsession with the Eucharist is a case of the culprit returning to the scene of his crime; for this reason, the Christian must do all he can to remind himself of the utter holiness in this Holy Sacrifice.

Secondly, old Scratch attacks the priesthood. (Dignity of the Priesthood) Priests mediate between God and the human race. They contact us with the sublime, and that is precisely what the Great Deceiver does not want. So he will tell us that the Church is wrong to have priests. Or that if everyone cannot be a priest then no one should be one. Or that Christ was culturally limited in the way He structured Church order. Or that since priests are sinful as everyone else, they cannot mediate. The priest knows this better than anyone, and Scratch wants no one to know it. So he will plot to turn the priest into a manager, or cheerleader, or psychiatrist, or politician, without his clerical clothes which are a sign of contradiction and let him no longer be called Father. For Satan cannot stand fathers. He rebelled against his once and does not want to be reminded.

Thirdly, old Scratch attacks the holy names of Jesus and Mary. They are more powerful than Scratch and he knows it. Mary helps and Jesus saves. Invoke their names with faith and all will be well. But Satan does not want us to know that. He wants us to be in awe of no one, and only in fear of himself. The Prince of Darkness would keep us away from the castle from whose windows the King and Queen pour light.”


Persons and places become poisoned with rancor, suspicion, anger and hate; they become horrible in a strange unearthly way; there is some indefinable soul-corruption there. Demons defile the world. In a moment of rare honesty among many artists, Picasso once admitted how depressed he had allowed himself to become.

“In art the mass of the people no longer seek consolation and exaltation, but those who are refined, rich, unoccupied, who are distillers of quintessences, seek what is new, strange, original, extravagant, scandalous. I myself, since Cubism and before, have satisfied these masters and critics with all the changing oddities which have passed through my head, and the less they understood me, the more they admired me. By amusing myself with all these games, with all these absurdities, puzzles, rebuses, arabesques, I became famous and that very quickly. And fame for a painter means sales, gains, fortune, riches. And today, as you know, I am celebrated, I am rich. But when I am alone with myself, I have not the courage to think of myself as an artist in the great and ancient sense of the term. Giotto, Titian, Rembrandt, were great painters. I am only a public entertainer who has understood his times and exploited as best he could the imbecility, the vanity, the cupidity of his contemporaries. Mine is a bitter confession, more painful than it may appear, but it has the merit of being sincere.”


When Jesus met the two men possessed by demons, the Gospel tells us that they were ” …so savage no one could pass that way.” Violence is the mark of Satan. Violence is not of the body only – beating, robbing, killing – but also, and indeed, most of all, the violence of reviling, of harassing, of tearing down, of tale-bearing, of mockery, of sneering, of hate. Our Blessed Lord summed up the demonic in one line. He said of Satan that, “… he was a murderer from the beginning.”

The word of God projects a struggle, a war, between opposing forces. St John, for example, constantly speaks of light and darkness, life and death. Against Christ appears the great Adversary who is, in Our Lord’s own words, ruler of this world. With Satan are arrayed the earthly powers, those who hate the light and become instruments of Satan against God. Jesus Christ


1. Why do Catholics adore Mary, who is just a human being?

We do not adore Mary; we venerate and honor her. Why? The angel calls Her “full of grace,” and one who “has found favor with God” (Lk 1:28, 30); Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit calls Her “blessed among women” (v. 41); and Mary Herself declares that “all generations shall call me blessed” (v. 48). Catholics who follow the Bible, always call Her blessed. Do you?

2. Why do Catholics call Mary the “Mother of God”? Wouldn’t this mean Mary existed before God, that she is older than God, etc.?

We call Mary Mother of God because she gave birth to Jesus Christ, who is God. We follow the Spirit-filled Elizabeth who declared in Luke 1:43: “why should the ‘MOTHER OF MY LORD’ come to me?” Jesus is True God and True man – two natures in one undivided person. By being the Mother of Christ, Mary is also the Mother of God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity. Mary did not give birth merely to a human nature, but to a person, the Son of God who took from Her flesh a pure human nature. Lk 1:35: “the child to be born shall be called SON OF GOD.” Gal 4:4: “God sent His Son, born of a woman.” If Jesus is truly God-made-man, then Mary is truly the Mother of God. Obviously, Mary did not exist before God. Jesus is the Son of God from all eternity, who became also the Son of Mary in time.

3. Why do Catholics believe Mary was immaculately conceived? Romans 3:23 says that “ALL HAVE SINNED and are deprived of the glory of God.”

Because Mary is full of grace, highly favored. Lk 1:37: “For with God nothing shall be impossible.” She is the “woman” of Gen 3:15 whose enmity with Satan and sin is absolute. She is the Ark of the Covenant (Ex 25:11-21) made to hold the living Word of God – a holy tabernacle made not of the purest gold, but of the purest flesh. St. Paul is emphasizing the universal aspect of sin extending to Jews and Gentiles alike. Babies have not sinned; Adam and Eve before the fall had not sinned; Jesus never sinned. These are some exceptions that fall outside St. Paul’s condemnation. Mary is another.

We must understand that the word “all” (‘pas’ in greek) can have different meanings, as it does in english. There are many examples in the Bible were we can see this, for example, St. Paul said “all Israel will be saved”(Rom.11:26), but we know that many will not be saved. St. Paul said that “All must die”, but we know that there were people who did not experienced death (e.g. Enoch and Elijah).

4. If Mary never sinned, She doesn’t need a Savior. So why does Mary say in Luke 1:47: “my spirit rejoices in God MY SAVIOR.”

Mary was saved by the merits of Christ, just as we are. The only difference between Mary and all others Christians was that Mary was saved in anticipation of the merits of Christ, while we are saved following the merits of Christ. We are freed from original sin at our baptism (Redemptive Salvation), while Mary was preserved from original sin at conception (Preventive Salvation).

5. Why do Catholics believe that Mary was a Perpetual Virgin? Matt. 13:55-56 says that Jesus had brothers and sisters.

Most Protestants are shocked to learn that the famous Protestant reformers Martin Luther, John Calvin and Zwingli all believed in the perpetual virginity of Mary. Neither Hebrew nor Aramaic, the language spoken by Christ and His disciples, have separate words for “brother,” “cousin,” “near- relative,” etc. For example, in the Old Testament, Lot is called Abraham’s “brother” (Gen 14:14). Yet we know that Lot was Abraham’s nephew (Gen

11:27). The Jews used the word “brother” for any near relative, without necessarily meaning “blood- brothers.”

Christ had “adelphoi” the greek word for brother which could also mean cousin, nephew, relatives, and fellow countryman. In Mat.13:55-56 four men are named as brothers (adelphoi) of the Lord: James, Joseph, Simon, and Jude. Further, in John 19:25 we read “Standing in the foot of the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother’s sister, MARY THE WIFE OF CLEOPHAS, and Mary of Magdala.” Cross reference this with Mat.27:56 “Among them at the cross were Mary Magdalene and MARY THE MOTHER OF JAMES AND JOSEPH..”. We see that atleast two of the men mentioned in Mat.13 were definitely not siblings of Jesus (although they are called adelphoi): they were Jesus’ cousins – sons of their mother’s sister. Mary had no other children than Jesus.

6. Why do Catholics believe that Mary was Assumed body and soul into heaven?

Scripture does not record the Assumption of Mary, so we depend on Apostolic Tradition for our belief. Because not all things are written in the Bible. However, the Assumption is not anti-scriptural. In fact, Scripture gives every indication that such a thing could occur. Consider the unusual ends of certain righteous people: Enoch, who was taken to heaven without dying (Heb 11:5); and Elijah, who was taken into heaven by a fiery chariot (2 King 2:11). Matthew 27:52 suggests a bodily assumption before the Second Coming, and most Protestants believe in the “Rapture” based on the events described in 1 Thess 4:17 and 1 Cor 15:52. Mary is simply the first to be “raptured.” St. John also saw in his vision a “woman” in Heaven (Revelation 12:1).

7. Why did the Catholic Church invent the dogmas of the Immaculate Conception in 1854, and the Bodily Assumption in 1950?

The Catholic Church officially defined the doctrines in 1854, and 1950, respectively, but she did not “invent” them at that time, any more than she “invented” the doctrine of the Trinity when she officially defined it in 325, or “invented” the New Testament when she officially determined the canon in 393 and 397. The Catholic Church was merely codifying a belief which has always existed since the early Church and found in the writings of the early Church Fathers.

8. Is a Catholic required to believe in the Immaculate Conception and Assumption of Mary?

Yes. All Catholics are required to believe everything that the Church proposes for our belief. Officially- defined doctrines are called “articles of faith” which every Catholic must believe in order to be a faithful Catholic. When these two doctrines were infallibly defined, they became “articles of faith” and binding upon every Catholic.

9. Is a Catholic required to believe in the Church- approved apparitions of Mary, such as Fatima and Lourdes?

No. Catholics have the assurance of the Church that these revelations are orthodox and worthy of belief, but they are not doctrine, and therefore a Catholic is free to disbelieve even in the officially approved apparitions.

10. Why do Catholics pray to Mary?

1Tim. 2:15 says “there is ONE mediator between God and man, the man Jesus Christ.”For the same reason we pray for one another’s needs: “the prayer of a righteous person is very powerful” (James 5:16). Because Jesus is the one mediator between earth and heaven, we intercede for one another as members of Christ’s body. If fellow saints praying for us on earth do not destroy Christ’s role as the one mediator, neither do the glorified living saints praying for us in heaven. Mary is the greatest saint and greatest intercessor. Why wouldn’t you pray to Her?

11. Why do Catholics call Mary “Blessed” and honor her with prayers and devotions, like the Rosary?

Because Scripture calls Her “blessed” and promises that all generations will invoke Her by that title (see Question 1). We honor Mary because of Her great privileges: She was conceived without sin, became the Mother of God while remaining a virgin, and was assumed bodily into heaven. There She reigns as Queen of Heaven and Earth, Mother of the Church, God’s greatest creature and mankind’s greatest boast. We honor Her because Jesus honored Her perfectly (obeying the fourth commandment) and we are called to imitate Jesus.

12. Is the “Hail Mary” found in Scripture?

Yes. “HAIL, FULL OF GRACE, THE LORD IS WITH YOU!” (Luke 1:28). “BLESSED ART THOU AMONG WOMEN, AND BLESSED IS THE FRUIT OF THY WOMB” (v. 42) – JESUS. HOLY MARY – “you have found favor with God” (v. 30) – MOTHER OF GOD – “mother of my Lord” (v. 43) – PRAY FOR US SINNERS – (as we pray for one another) – NOW AND AT THE HOUR OF OUR DEATH.

13. Isn’t the Rosary a kind of repetitious prayer condemned by Jesus in Mt 6:7?

In Mt 6:7, Jesus is not condemning all repeated prayers, only repeated prayer “in the manner of the pagans.” Jesus is teaching Christians that they are not to pray with the pagan attitude that the more you repeat a prayer the more likely you are to be heard (see 1 Kings 18:25-29 for an example of this pagan mentality). A Christian who thinks he needs to repeat a prayer in order to be heard in heaven has a problem with faith – this is the error Jesus is correcting. Notice that Jesus repeats the same prayer three times in the Garden of Gethsemani (Mt 26:44). The publican who humbly repeated the prayer, “O God, be merciful to me, a sinner” (Lk. 18:13) went home justified. The four living creatures in heaven repeat day and night, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and who is, and who is to come” (Rev. 4:8). These verses show that prayer repeated with the proper attitude is very pleasing to God. The Rosary, recited devoutly, fulfills part of the Biblical exhortation to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess 5:17).

14. Aren’t Catholics superstitious for believing that medals of Mary and relics of saints can perform miracles?

The Catholic Church teaches that only God can perform a true miracle. But we also know that God can either act directly or through secondary agents, like people. God sometimes even performs miracles through inanimate objects in order to show the intercessory power of a particular saint. A man came back to life when he contacted the bones of the holy prophet Elisha (2 Kings 13:20-21). God performed miraculous cures through Peter’s shadow (Act 5:15-16) and through handkerchiefs that had touched St. Paul (Acts 19:11-12), obviously showing the great intercessory power of St. Peter and St. Paul. Medals of our Lady and relics of saints have no power to cause miracles in themselves. Rather, God performs miracles through these medals and relics to show the great intercessory power of Mary andthe saints.

by Clive Fernandez

Priest: Fatima Warnings Fulfilled in Amazon Synod – Worst Fears Realised… — Catholic Truth

Comment: As the priest interviewed in the video indicates, silence is not an option at this late stage in the crisis. We must all speak out now, in every way possible, to highlight the “new pathways” being pursued by Pope Francis, to create what is, in fact, a new Church, opposed to the Church founded […]

Priest: Fatima Warnings Fulfilled in Amazon Synod – Worst Fears Realised… — Catholic Truth

Statement of Archbishop Francesco Panfilo, SDB to all Doctors and Nurses of Catholic Run Hospitals within the Metropolitan Archdiocese Of Rabaul

The devil’s attack on the Magisterium

Fr Michael Rodriguez – Fatima Center

Fr Michael Rodriguez speaks the Role of the Pope as Protecting and Teaching the Deposit of Faith; The Truth of Jesus Christ from attacks by the devil.



Various Prelates (Bishops & other high ecclesiastical dignitaries) and various Laity and Lay Institutions have warned that the Instrumentum Laboris (Working Instrument) for the upcoming Pan-Amazon Synod in Rome contains SIX SERIOUS THEOLOGICAL ERRORS and HERESIES inserted by its authors.

This Document will serve as a basis for discussions in this synod and may result in this errors and heresies being approved.

Therefore Cardinal Raymond Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider co-authored a Declaration warning about these six errors and heresies. The Declaration is attached below for you to read for yourself the errors and the Official Church Teachings that condemns them.

Catholic faithful everywhere are called to join in a 40 day Crusade of Prayer and Fasting from 17th – 26th of September for the following intensions:


“During the forty-day crusade of prayer and fasting, we propose to pray daily at least one decade of the Holy Rosary and to fast once a week for the above mentioned intentions. According to the tradition of The Church, fasting consists in eating only one full meal during the day, and additionally, one may eat up to two smaller meals. Fasting on bread and water is also recommended to those who are able to do so,”

Cardinal Burke and Bishop Schneider concluded the Declaration and the invitation to Prayer and Fasting as follows:

The theological errors and heresies, implicit and explicit in the Instrumentum Laboris of the imminent Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon, are an alarming manifestation of the confusion, error and division which beset the Church in our day. No one can excuse himself from being informed about the gravity of the situation and from taking appropriate action for love of Christ and of His life with us in the Church. Above all, all the members of Christ’s Mystical Body, before such a threat to her integrity, must pray and fast for the eternal good of her members who risk being scandalized that is led into confusion, error and division by this text for the Synod of Bishops. Moreover, every Catholic, as a true soldier of Christ, is called to safeguard and promote the truths of the faith and the discipline by which those truths are honored in practice, lest the solemn assembly of the Bishops in Synod betray the mission of the Synod, which is “to assist the Roman Pontiff with their counsel in the preservation and growth of faith and morals and in the observance and strengthening of ecclesiastical discipline” (can. 342). On October 13, 2019, during the coming Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon, there will take place the Canonization of Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman. May the Holy Father and all the members of the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon hear and accept the following luminous teaching of this newest Saint of the Church, in which he warned against theological errors similar to the above-mentioned errors in the Instrumentum Laboris:

“Private creeds, fancy religions, may be showy and imposing to the many in their day; national religions may lie huge and lifeless, and cumber the ground for centuries, and distract the attention or confuse the judgment of the learned; but on the long run it will be found that either the Catholic Religion is verily and indeed the coming in of the unseen world into this, or that there is nothing positive, nothing dogmatic, nothing real, in any of our notions as to whence we come and whither we are going”

(Discourses to Mixed Congregations, XIII).