Catholic Bishop’s Conference of PNG Questions Government on corruption and failed Church-State partnership

THE Catholic Bishops of PNG have once again spoken out against the government on issues that continue to be ignored.In a press conference held at the new Catholic Bishops Conference building in Port Moresby, President of CBC PNG and Solomon Islands Bishop Rochus Tatamai said that corruption remained rife in PNG and that the government seemed uninterested in addressing it in any meaningful way.Bishop Tatamai said that it was CBC’s view that the Church-State partnership had failed and that drastic improvements needed to be made by both entities, the State in particular, to reestablish said partnership. Among other issues, Bishop Tatamai highlighted the Special Agricultural Business Leases saga questioning the government on why this societal issue remained “a constant thorn in the side of the people of PNG”.“There has been no improvement on the issue of SABLs which still threatens to destroy the environment and livelihoods of thousands of people.“Why is there still no progress in addressing this?” said the regional head of Bishops.Bishop Tatamai said that corrupt contracts and the continued maltreatment of public funds by politicians and those in the public service were issues that remained neglected. He said that the collapse of Church-State partnership in education and health had continued to worsen with political and public service interference in appointment processes obvious and prevalent.The CBC president said that he was coming out on mainstream media in an attempt to remind Government of the issues that have been blatantly neglected for years.“The CBC is calling on the government of PNG to stop the parading around and long speeches and to instead try to address the issues that need addressing,” said Bishop Tatamai.